


The current membership fee for an ordinary member is £15 per annum. Student membership (a person under 25 on 1st January) is half that figure.

Those joining as ordinary members after January also pay half the annual subscription fee for their first year.  

For membership application form: please download or print out the document named membership-form.pdf  which can be found on the FORMS page. 

If you intend to become a member of the Neath Antiquarian Society, please also read the NAS Privacy Policy document which can also be found on the  FORMS page.

Subscription Renewals - these are due each year on 1st September. Please send your remittance to the Membership Secretary -

Mr Phil John c/o Neath Mechanics' Institute, 4 Church Place NEATH - SA11 3LL

Tel. No. 07817 - 314783

E-mail - membershipnas@gmail.com




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